Outdoor dining – Bidfood’S Guide for Summer 2021

We know it’s a hot topic, outdoor drinking and eating is all we have in hospitality for now. However, there is a big opportunity to capitalise on this, not just until you can welcome customers inside, but for the long term.

A recent CGA survey said that 76% of consumers are likely to visit a venue with outdoor seating within a month of reopening.

Bidfood, a trusted partner of LSG, have put together a useful guide to help inspire and support you to take advantage of this revenue opportunity.

The guide looks at;

  • Utilising the space you have
  • Creating memorable experiences despite our British weather
  • Menu ideas including recipes
  • Tips on maximising this opportunity

LSG and Bidfood are here to help you get ready for Summer. We hope you find the guide useful!


Click the link below to view the guide:



If you want to find out more about our food suppliers, including Bidfood, contact us on 01494 398400.